Keto Anderson

Midwest League:2001 Lansing Lugnuts, 2002 Fort Wayne Wizards
Born:February 12th, 1979
Bats:Left Throws:Right
5'11", 180
Drafted:Chicago Cubs in the 13th round of the 1999 draft
Baseball Reference
Full Name:Syketo Cadell Adnerson

2001 22 18 62 4 10 1 0 0 3 5 3 2 9 .161 .188 .177 .365 11
2002 23 88 310 32 87 11 8 1 28 11 9 10 34 .281 .302 .377 .680 117

No Date H/A Opponent POS H/AB Notes
1 4/5/01 H West Michigan LF, E 0-4 RBI, SB, BB
2 4/6/01 H West Michigan LF 0-4 K
3 4/7/01 A West Michigan LF, E 1-5 2B, R, K
4 4/8/01 A West Michigan LF, 2 E 0-5
5 4/9/01 A Fort Wayne LF 1-3 R, 2 SB, SACB
6 4/10/01 A Fort Wayne LF 1-4 R, RBI
7 4/11/01 A Fort Wayne PR/LF 0-1
8 4/12/01 A Fort Wayne LF 0-5
9 4/13/01 H South Bend LF 1-5 K
10 4/14/01 H South Bend LF, E 1-4 K
11 4/17/01 H Dayton LF 1-4 SB, K
12 4/18/01 H Dayton LF 0-4 K
13 4/20/01 H Dayton PR
14 4/21/01 A Michigan LF 1-3 2 SACB, CS, K
15 4/25/01 A Dayton LF 2-4 R, CS, K
16 4/27/01 A South Bend LF 0-2 BB, SACB, CS, K G1
17 4/27/01 A South Bend LF 1-3 RBI, SB, SACB G2
18 4/28/01 A South Bend LF 0-2 G1
1 4/4/02 A Dayton CF 0-4 K
2 4/5/02 A Dayton CF 1-4 2B, 2 R
3 4/6/02 A Dayton CF 0-4 R, 2 K
4 4/8/02 H Dayton CF 2-5 R, SB
5 4/9/02 H Dayton CF 0-4 BB, K
6 4/11/02 A Michigan CF 1-4
7 4/14/02 A Michigan CF 2-4 2 SB
8 4/16/02 H Lansing CF 1-4 CS
9 4/18/02 H Lansing CF 2-4 R, 2 K
10 4/20/02 A Lansing CF
11 4/21/02 A Lansing CF 1-4 R, SB
12 4/23/02 H South Bend PR
13 4/24/02 H South Bend CF 1-4 R, BB, CS, K
14 4/26/02 A South Bend CF 1-5 3B
15 4/28/02 H West Michigan CF, E 0-3 BB G1
16 4/30/02 H West Michigan PR
17 5/5/02 H Burlington PR R
18 5/6/02 A Peoria CF 3-6 R, RBI, K
19 5/7/02 A Peoria CF 0-5 K
20 5/12/02 A West Michigan PR/LF CS
21 5/13/02 A West Michigan LF 2-5 2B, CS, 2 K
22 5/18/02 H Michigan CF 0-2 R, BB G1
23 5/18/02 H Michigan CF G2
24 5/19/02 H South Bend RF 1-4
25 5/21/02 A South Bend RF 0-4 K
26 5/24/02 H Quad City RF 1-3 R
27 5/26/02 H Quad City RF 1-3
28 5/30/02 A Kane County RF 2-4 R, BB
29 5/31/02 A Kane County RF 0-4 RBI
30 6/1/02 A Clinton LF/RF 0-4 R, K
31 6/2/02 A Clinton RF 1-3 BB
32 6/5/02 H Wisconsin RF 1-5 R, RBI, SB, BB, CS
33 6/6/02 H Wisconsin RF 0-3
34 6/11/02 H Cedar Rapids LF 2-4 RBI
35 6/12/02 H Cedar Rapids PR/1B, E